Native Module
Details customization for Attribute Sets
Blueprint Attribute Set asset editor (extends Blueprint editor)
Details customization for FGBAGameplayClampedAttributeData.
Details customization for FGameplayAttributeData.
Details row class, used by IPropertyTypeCustomization implementations.
Handlers for attribute renames on Gameplay Effect CDO.
Implements a view model for the new attribute BP widget.
Interface for custom referencer handler for a given UObject CDO
Module interface for scaffold module
Details customization for FGameplayAttributeData / FGBAGameplayClampedAttributeData (Base Class).
Widget allowing user to list Gameplay Attributes and open up the reference viewer for them
A widget to represent a row in a Data Table Editor widget. This widget allows us to do things like right-click and take actions on a particular row of a Data Table.
Slate widget to handle addition of a new Blueprint Attribute variable in Attribute Sets (used from Details customization)
Widget to provide an UI to choose a content browser path to generate a new DataTable (FAttributeMetaData) based on the properties of a given Attribute Set Blueprint.
A Button that is used to call out/highlight a positive option (Add, Save etc). It can also be used to open a menu.
Row widget wrapping a name and content widget for display in a form like view
UGBABlueprintFactory -
UGBAEditorSettingsCommon Settings for Blueprint Attributes plugin
UGBAEditorSubsystemEditor subsystem to handle Gameplay Attribute property renames in Blueprint.
Global functions#
Display ,
All -
TWeakPtr<FGBABlueprintEditor>UE::GBA::EditorUtils:: FindBlueprintEditorForAsset(UObject* InObject
UAttributeSet*UE::GBA::EditorUtils:: GetAttributeBeingCustomized(const IDetailLayoutBuilder& InDetailLayout
UBlueprint*UE::GBA::EditorUtils:: GetBlueprintFromClass(const UClass* InClass