Native class


  • Declared in "Details/Slate/SGBANewAttributeVariableWidget.h"
class SGBANewAttributeVariableWidget : public SCompoundWidget

Slate widget to handle addition of a new Blueprint Attribute variable in Attribute Sets (used from Details customization)

Provides a form to specify variable name, description, replication condition, and so on...

Internal delegates#



  • private
    • DesiredSizeOverride&
    static FVector2d DesiredSizeOverride

    Desired Size overrides, to ensure it has a minimum width / height

    • NameValidator&
    TSharedPtr<INameValidatorInterface> NameValidator

    Name validator for BP variable names

    • OnCancelDelegate&
    FOnWindowClosed OnCancelDelegate

    Invoked when user clicks the Cancel button

    • OnFinishDelegate&
    FOnWindowClosed OnFinishDelegate

    Invoked when user clicks the Cancel button

    • VarNameEditableTextBox&
    TSharedPtr<SEditableTextBox> VarNameEditableTextBox

    The widget used when in variable name editing mode

    • ViewModel&
    TSharedPtr<FGBANewAttributeViewModel> ViewModel

    View model for this widget