Native class


  • Declared in "Editor/GBABlueprintEditor.h"
class FGBABlueprintEditor : public FBlueprintEditor

Blueprint Attribute Set asset editor (extends Blueprint editor)



  • private
    • AttributeWizardWindow&
    TSharedPtr<SWindow> AttributeWizardWindow

    Holds a reference to attribute wizard window to only allow one instance at a time

    • bLastReplicatedState&
    bool bLastReplicatedState = true

    The last replicated state used (to add a new Attribute variable via toolbar or details button)

    • DataTableWindow&
    TSharedPtr<SWindow> DataTableWindow

    Holds a reference to attribute wizard window to only allow one instance at a time

    • LastPinSubCategoryObject&
    TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> LastPinSubCategoryObject

    The last pin type used (to add a new Attribute variable), storing the struct used as a UObject (equivalent of PinType PinSubCategoryObject)

    • LastUsedVariableName&
    FString LastUsedVariableName

    The last used variable name (to add a new Attribute variable via toolbar or details button)