Native class


  • Declared in "AttributeReferenceViewer/GBAAttributeListReferenceViewer.h"
class BLUEPRINTATTRIBUTESEDITOR_API SGBAAttributeListReferenceViewer : public SCompoundWidget

Widget allowing user to list Gameplay Attributes and open up the reference viewer for them



  • private
    • AttributeList&
    TSharedPtr<SListView<TSharedPtr<FGBAAttributeListReferenceViewerNode>>> AttributeList

    Holds the Slate List widget that holds the attributes for the Attribute Viewer.

    • AttributesContainerWidget&
    TSharedPtr<SBorder> AttributesContainerWidget

    Container widget holding the attribute list

    • AttributeTextFilter&
    TSharedPtr<FAttributeTextFilter> AttributeTextFilter

    Filters needed for filtering the attributes

    • PropertyOptions&
    TArray<TSharedPtr<FGBAAttributeListReferenceViewerNode>> PropertyOptions

    Array of items that can be selected in the dropdown menu

    • SearchAttributeBox&
    TSharedPtr<SSearchBox> SearchAttributeBox

    Allows for the user to find a specific gameplay attribute in the list