
  • Declared in "GBAEditorSettings.h"
config = "Game", defaultconfig)
class BLUEPRINTATTRIBUTESEDITOR_API UGBAEditorSettings : public UDeveloperSettings

Common Settings for Blueprint Attributes plugin



  • public
    • bUseCompactView&

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)

    bool bUseCompactView = false

    Whether to use a compact view mode for Gameplay Attribute Data properties in Attribute Set Blueprints.

    For both class defaults variables and when viewing / editing a single Attribute Data property, making the edition of BaseValue possible in the header of the row.

    Only for simple Gameplay Attribute Data properties, clamped properties still display using the full extended version.

    • FilterAttributesList&

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)

    TSet<FString> FilterAttributesList

    Set of gameplay attributes to ignore in attributes picker widget.

    Allows you to filter out a list of gameplay attributes from Attribute Sets in Gameplay Effects Blueprint or any Blueprint nodes listing them (such as GetFloatAttribute())

    It can be useful if your project is never using pre-defined Attributes (such as AbilitySystemComponent.OutgoingDuration / IncomingDuration), or plugins (such as GAS Companion GSCAttributeSet)

    This is a StartsWith search pattern, meaning any value here should be the beginning of an attribute (or set) we'd like to ignore, example:

    • AbilitySystemComponent
    • AbilitySystemComponent.OutgoingDuration
    • AbilitySystemComponent.IncomingDuration
    • GSCAttributeSet
    • GSCAttributeSet.Mana
    • HeaderFormatText&

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)

    FText HeaderFormatText

    Customize how the header row is displayed and what should be included.

    This is a FText::Format format string, with two floats being passed in as an argument (BaseValue and CurrentValue). Both float values are converted to String with "%.2f" to reduce precision to only two decimals.

    Default Value: "Base: {0}, Current: {1}"

    • PluginCategoryName&
    static constexpr const TCHAR* PluginCategoryName = TEXT("Blueprint Attributes")

    The category name for our developer settings

    See also: GetCategoryName