Native class


  • Declared in "Details/IGBAGameplayAttributeDataDetailsBase.h"
class IGBAGameplayAttributeDataDetailsBase : public IPropertyTypeCustomization

Details customization for FGameplayAttributeData / FGBAGameplayClampedAttributeData (Base Class).

And ability to view / set BaseValue and CurrentValue (as DefaultValue)

This is the default Base class shared by both FGameplayAttributeData and FGBAGameplayClampedAttributeData details customization classes.



  • protected
    • AttributeSetBeingCustomized&
    TWeakObjectPtr<UAttributeSet> AttributeSetBeingCustomized

    The UObject we are editing

    • bIsUsingSlider&
    bool bIsUsingSlider = false

    True if the slider is being used to change the value of the property

    • BlueprintBeingCustomized&
    TWeakObjectPtr<UBlueprint> BlueprintBeingCustomized

    The blueprint we are editing

    • LastSliderCommittedValue&
    float LastSliderCommittedValue = 0.f

    When using the slider, what was the last committed value

    • PropertyBeingCustomized&
    TWeakFieldPtr<FProperty> PropertyBeingCustomized

    Keep track of the property we are editing

    • PropertyUtilities&
    TWeakPtr<IPropertyUtilities> PropertyUtilities

    A weak reference to the property utilities used by this type customization