Native-defined blueprint class
Attribute Set Blueprint Base#
Defines the set of all GameplayAttributes for your game.
Games should subclass this and add FGameplayAttributeData properties to represent attributes like health, damage, etc
AttributeSets are added to the actors as subobjects, and then registered with the AbilitySystemComponent It is often desired to have several sets per project that inherit from each other You could make a base health set, then have a player set that inherits from it and adds more attributes
Clamps the Attribute from MinValue to MaxValue
Returns the Owner's Ability System Component cached data about the owning actor that abilities will need to frequently access (movement component, mesh component, anim instance, etc)
Returns the base (as opposed to current) value of an Attribute.
Returns the current (as opposed to base) value of an Attribute.
Returns the Ability System Component of the Owning Actor
Gets information about owning actor
To be called from Blueprint rep notifies for a given Gameplay Attribute Data member variable.
To be called from Blueprint rep notifies for a given (Clamped) Gameplay Attribute Data member variable.
Called just after any modification happens to an attribute's base value right after aggregation (when an attribute aggregator exists).
Called just after any modification happens to an attribute.
Called just after a GameplayEffect is executed to modify the base value of an attribute. No more changes can be made.
This is called just before any modification happens to an attribute's base value when an attribute aggregator exists. This function should enforce clamping (presuming you wish to clamp the base value along with the final value in PreAttributeChange) This function should NOT invoke gameplay related events or callbacks. Do those in PreAttributeChange() which will be called prior to the final value of the attribute actually changing.
Called just before any modification happens to an attribute. This is lower level than PreAttributeModify/PostAttribute modify.
Called just before modifying the value of an attribute. AttributeSet can make additional modifications here.
Sets the base (as opposed to current) value of an Attribute.