

  • Declared in "Abilities/GBAAttributeSetBlueprintBase.h"
BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "AttributeSet", DisplayName = "PostGameplayEffectExecute")
void K2_PostGameplayEffectExecute(
const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute,
const FGBAAttributeSetExecutionData& Data

Called just after a GameplayEffect is executed to modify the base value of an attribute. No more changes can be made.

Note this is only called during an 'execute'. E.g., a modification to the 'base value' of an attribute. It is not called during an application of a GameplayEffect, such as a 5 second +10 movement speed buff.

This should apply 'gamewide' rules. Such as clamping Health to MaxHealth or granting +3 health for every point of strength, etc


  • const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute

    The Gameplay Attribute whose value has been changed by a Gameplay Effect

  • const FGBAAttributeSetExecutionData& Data

    Payload with information extracted from FGameplayEffectModCallbackData, the Source / Target actor, Ability System Component, Controllers, Effect Context, Specs and Source Tags, Magnitude and Delta values, etc.