Content Examples Project


GBA_ is a prefix for Gameplay Blueprint Attributes, and used as a naming convention to prefix BP AttributeSets asset names across the project.

The project is a BP only project. You can clone it locally with:

git clone


Latest packaged build (game build with executable) can be downloaded from the releases page (opens in a new tab).

Engine compatibility

Developed on 5.1 - Should be compatible with Unreal 5.1 versions and higher (you can tweak .uproject EngineAssociation field to match your launcher installed engine)


In /Game/Maps

  • 01_BlueprintAttributes_Welcome - Default entry level map
  • 02_Builtin_Clamping - Built-in clamping example
  • 03_MMC - Modifier Magnitude Calculation example - Fatigue / Weight attributes with MoveSpeed / JumpHeight derived attributes (Warning: MoveSpeed specifically is not properly implemented for multiplayer, proper MoveSpeed replication on CMC goes a bit beyond the scope of this demo project)
  • 04_ExecClasses - Gameplay Effect Execution Class example - Damage output calculation based on AttackPower and Armor mitigation.
  • 05_SaveGame - Save Game example - Gold attribute acting as a currency that gets increased when a box is destroyed. Ctrl+S to save the value, Ctrl+L to load it back.

In a packaged build, you can navigate to a given map using the console command open Map_Name, for instance open 05_SaveGame.


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