Special Thanks
A special thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to the following individuals.
- Metaseven (opens in a new tab) for early testing and providing valuable feedback, thank you so much!
- Guy Lundvall (opens in a new tab) for very valuable feedback, as always.
- Patrick Hardy (opens in a new tab) for the always inspiring back and forth discussion around plugin development.
For the support along the way while implementing this plugin (first commit in March 2022, 2 years!)
- OneSilverLeaf (opens in a new tab) for being here all along.
- Mighteemouse (opens in a new tab) for testing, feedback and being one of the very first user of GAS Companion and Discord member.
- Kite (opens in a new tab) and GoliathGuitars (opens in a new tab) for the support help and assistance in Discord.
Thank you ❤️!