Unit / functional tests for the plugin


Separate plugin with unit / functional tests for BlueprintAttributes plugin: GitHub Repository (opens in a new tab)

You can validate the plugin is working correctly by running a test suite locally.

This is run on every commit via CI and generates the following reports: Windows / Linux

This is a C++ plugin. You can clone it locally with (at the root of unreal project):

git clone Plugins/BlueprintAttributesTests

Running the Tests

Follow these steps to run the tests within the editor.

  1. Start or Restart the project. You should see a prompt to compile plugin sources. Once confirmed, wait until your project launches.
  2. Open the Session Frontend from the menu bar context menu Tools > Session Frontend.

  1. Switch to the Automation tab. You should see a BlueprintAttributes category. Check the top category.

  1. You can then click the Start button to run the test suite, which should pass.