on February 28th, 2024 (opens in a new tab)
WIP work and experiment on SaveGame support
Runtime: Fixing an issue with clamping (opens in a new tab) f3a555f (opens in a new tab) A case was happening of
- InitDataTable was called with a Datatable and BaseValue of 1000, with 0 for Min and Max value
- One property was clamped via FGBAClampDefinition and Property at 100 max
- Then datatable logic kicks in and sets the BaseValue to the value defined in the DT, overriding previously clamped value (from property)
- we would expect here the value to remain at 100
WIP work and experiment on SaveGame support (opens in a new tab) b3fa4e0 (opens in a new tab)
This time using a USaveGame object created with the standard CreateSaveGameFromSlot, LoadGameFromSlot, etc.
SaveGame has a BinaryData array of bytes (TArray<uint8>
) . Serialize called with an Archive baked by this array of bytes on Actor and its ASC.
ASC in the test setup implements Serialize with:
if (!Ar.IsSaveGame())
// SerializeAttributeSets(Ar);
const TArray<UAttributeSet*>& AttributeSets = GetSpawnedAttributes();
for (UAttributeSet* AttributeSet : AttributeSets)
if (!AttributeSet)
Refactor: Use UE_VERSION_NEWER_THAN macros (opens in a new tab) 99215dd (opens in a new tab) to compare engine versions
Runtime: FGBAUtils prefer dll export on methods (opens in a new tab)
Runtime: Add FGBAUtils::SerializeAttributeSets (opens in a new tab) for backup. not actually used right now and not dll exported
Runtime: Move serialization helpers (opens in a new tab) into their own Blueprint Library
Runtime: Move exec calculation helpers (opens in a new tab) into their own Blueprint Library