Native struct


  • Declared in "GBAHeaderViewListItem.h"
struct FGBAHeaderViewListItem : public TSharedFromThis< FGBAHeaderViewListItem >

A base class for List Items in the Header View


  • protected
    • FGBAHeaderViewListItem&

    Empty base constructor hidden from public

    • FGBAHeaderViewListItem&
    FString&& InRawString,
    FString&& InRichText
  • public
    • Create&
    static TSharedPtr<FGBAHeaderViewListItem>
    FString InRawString,
    FString InRichText

    Creates a basic list item containing some text

    • ExtendContextMenu&
    inline virtual void
    FMenuBuilder& InMenuBuilder,
    TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> InAsset

    Allows the item to add items to the context menu if it is the only item selected

    • GenerateWidgetForItem&

    Creates the widget for this list item

    • GetAllProperties&
    static TArray<const FProperty*>
    const UStruct* InStruct,
    const bool bInFilterReplicated = false

    Returns all FProperties from the passed in object (generally a Blueprint skeleton class)

    • GetRawItemString&
    inline const FString&
    GetRawItemString(​) const

    Returns the raw item text for copy actions

    • GetRichItemString&
    inline const FString&
    GetRichItemString(​) const

    Returns the rich item text

    • IsUsingClampedAttributeData&
    static bool
    const UStruct* InStruct

    Returns whether passed in owning UStruct has properties of type Clamped Attributes (hence needing the include)

    • OnMouseButtonDoubleClick&
    inline virtual void
    TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> InAsset

    Called when this List Item is double clicked

  • protected
    • FormatCommentString&
    static void
    FString InComment,
    FString& OutRawString,
    FString& OutRichString

    Formats a string into a C++ comment

    • FormatSingleLineCommentString&
    static void
    FString InComment,
    FString& OutRawString,
    FString& OutRichString

    Formats a string into a C++ comment

    • GetClassNameToGenerate&
    static FString
    const UBlueprint* InBlueprint,
    const FString& InDesiredClassName,
    const bool bIncludePrefix = true

    Returns classname prefixed

    • GetCPPTypenameForProperty&
    static FString
    const FProperty* InProperty,
    bool bIsMemberProperty = false

    returns a string representing the full C++ typename for the given property, including template params for container types

    • GetErrorTextFromValidatorResult&
    static const FText&
    EValidatorResult Result

    Returns the correct Error text for a Validator Result

    • GetProperty&

    template<​typename PropertyType​>

    inline const PropertyType*
    const FProperty* InProperty
    ) const

    Gets the typed property, returns nullptr if not cast.

    • GetPropertyValue&
    const FProperty& InProperty,
    const UObject* InContainer,
    const FString& InDesiredClassName,
    const bool bInIsRichText = false
    ) const

    Return String representation of the given FProperty

    • IsValidCPPIdentifier&
    static bool
    const FString& InIdentifier

    Checks whether a string is a valid C++ identifier

    • ShouldUseConstRef&
    static bool
    const FString& InCPPType

    Returns whether the passed in cpp type should use const ref or not with OnRep definitions

    • SortPropertiesForPadding&
    static void
    TArray<const FProperty*>& InOutProperties

    Sorts an array of properties to optimize for minimal C++ struct padding

  • public
    • ~FGBAHeaderViewListItem&
    inline virtual


  • protected
    • InvalidCPPIdentifierErrorText&
    static const FText InvalidCPPIdentifierErrorText

    Validation Error text for when a new name is not a valid C++ Identifier

    • RawItemString&
    FString RawItemString

    A raw string representation of the item, used for copying the item

    • RichTextString&
    FString RichTextString

    A rich text representation of the item, including syntax highlighting and errors