Native class
Slate widget representing the top part Attribute Set cpp creation window.
Holds info such as ClassName, ClassPath, BaseClass, etc.
publicvoidConstruct(const FArguments& InArgs,
const TSharedPtr<FGBAAttributeSetWizardViewModel>& InViewModelConstructs this widget with InArgs
protectedFStringCalculateNewClassPath(GameProjectUtils::EClassLocation InLocation,
const FString& InNewClassPathCompute new fully qualified class path
GameProjectUtils::EClassLocationGetClassLocation() const
Checks to see if the given class location is active based on the current value of NewClassPath
Constructs a Blueprint Class picker menu widget
FTextGetClassPickerText(const bool bIsTooltipText = false
Gets the text for the class picker combo button
FTextGetSelectedModuleComboText() const
Get the combo box text for the currently selected module
Handler for when the "Choose Folder" button is clicked
voidHandleSelectedModuleComboBoxSelectionChanged(TSharedPtr<FModuleContextInfo> InSelectedModuleInfo,
ESelectInfo::Type InSelectInfoCalled when the currently selected module is changed
Init list of AvailableModules, based on project / plugin modules currently loaded
Returns best suited module for target module
boolIsClassPathTextEnabled() const
Enables / disables input depending on valid user folder selection
TSharedRef<SWidget>MakeWidgetForSelectedModuleCombo(TSharedPtr<FModuleContextInfo> InValue
Create the widget to use as the combo box entry for the given module info
voidOnClassLocationChanged(GameProjectUtils::EClassLocation InLocation
Update the value of NewClassPath so that it uses the given class location
voidOnClassNameTextChanged(const FText& InNewText
Handler for when the text in the class name edit box has changed
voidOnClassPathTextChanged(const FText& InNewText
Handler for when the text in the class path edit box has changed
FTextOnGetClassHeaderFileText() const
Returns the text for the calculated header file name
FTextOnGetClassNameText() const
Returns the text in the class name edit box
FTextOnGetClassPathText() const
Returns the text in the class path edit box
FTextOnGetClassSourceFileText() const
Returns the text for the calculated source file name
voidOnParentClassSelected(UClass* InParentClass
Handler for the class viewer selection on parent class
protectedTArray<TSharedPtr<FModuleContextInfo>> AvailableModules
Information about the currently available modules for this project
TSharedPtr<SComboBox<TSharedPtr<FModuleContextInfo>>> AvailableModulesCombo
The available modules combo box
TSharedPtr<SEditableTextBox> ClassNameEditBox
The editable text box to enter the current name
static FString LastSelectedModuleName
Keep a reference to the last selected module, so we can init it when re-opening the wizard
TSharedPtr<SComboButton> ParentClassPickerComboButton
Reference to the Class Picker combo button widget
TSharedPtr<FGBAAttributeSetWizardViewModel> ViewModel
View model for our widget (passed down from container widget)