Native method



  • Declared in "ReferencerHandlers/GBAGameplayEffectReferencerHandler.h"
virtual bool UpdateModifiers(
UGameplayEffect* InEffectCDO,
const UBlueprint* InBlueprint,
const FAssetIdentifier& InAssetIdentifier,
const FGBAAttributeReferencerPayload& InPayload,
TArray<TSharedRef<FTokenizedMessage>>& OutMessages

Updates a Gameplay Effect CDO and changes property references for an Attribute from OldPropertyName to NewPropertyName.

Returns true if it updated something and asset needs a modify / save.

This description applies to all methods UpdateGameplayEffect...() below


  • UGameplayEffect* InEffectCDO

    Gameplay Effect CDO to modify

  • const UBlueprint* InBlueprint

    UBlueprint for the AttributeSet containing the attribute that was renamed

  • const FAssetIdentifier& InAssetIdentifier

    Asset Identifier (as returned by Asset Registry) for the asset referencer (in this case Gameplay Effects)

  • const FGBAAttributeReferencerPayload& InPayload

    Payload containing information such as referencer Default Object, Package Name of the Attribute Set and old / new variable name for the attribute renamed

  • TArray<TSharedRef<FTokenizedMessage>>& OutMessages

    A list of tokenized messages to display at the end of the rename and update of the attribute reference handling

Return value#


True if the Effect CDO was modified, false otherwise