Native-defined blueprint struct
GBAAttribute Set Execution Data#
Structure holding various information to deal with AttributeSet lifecycle events (such as Pre/PostGameplayEffectExecute), extracting info from FGameplayEffectModCallbackData.
Gameplay Effect Context Handle Struct Context
This tells us how we got here (who / what applied us)
Float Delta Value = 0.0
Holds the delta value between old and new, if it is available (for Additive Operations)
Float Magnitude Value = 0.0
Holds the modifier magnitude value, if it is available (for scalable floats)
Actor Object Reference Source Actor = None
The physical representation of the Source ASC (The ability system component of the instigator that started the whole chain)
Ability System Component Object Reference Source ASC = None
The ability system component of the instigator that started the whole chain
Player Controller Object Reference Source Controller = None
PlayerController associated with the owning actor for the Source ASC (The ability system component of the instigator that started the whole chain)
Object Object Reference Source Object = None
The object this effect was created from.
Gameplay Tag Container Struct Source Tags
Combination of spec and actor tags for the captured Source Tags on GameplayEffectSpec creation
Gameplay Tag Container Struct Spec Asset Tags
All tags that apply to the gameplay effect spec
Actor Object Reference Target Actor = None
The physical representation of the owner (Avatar) for the target we intend to apply to
Ability System Component Object Reference Target ASC = None
The ability system component we intend to apply to
Player Controller Object Reference Target Controller = None
PlayerController associated with the owning actor for the target we intend to apply to