Native-defined blueprint struct

[go to native definition]

GBAAttribute Set Execution Data#

  • Blueprint type

Structure holding various information to deal with AttributeSet lifecycle events (such as Pre/PostGameplayEffectExecute), extracting info from FGameplayEffectModCallbackData.


  • public
    • Context&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Gameplay Effect Context Handle Struct Context

    This tells us how we got here (who / what applied us)

    • Delta Value&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Float Delta Value = 0.0

    Holds the delta value between old and new, if it is available (for Additive Operations)

    • Magnitude Value&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Float Magnitude Value = 0.0

    Holds the modifier magnitude value, if it is available (for scalable floats)

    • Source Actor&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Actor Object Reference Source Actor = None

    The physical representation of the Source ASC (The ability system component of the instigator that started the whole chain)

    • Source ASC&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Ability System Component Object Reference Source ASC = None

    The ability system component of the instigator that started the whole chain

    • Source Controller&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Player Controller Object Reference Source Controller = None

    PlayerController associated with the owning actor for the Source ASC (The ability system component of the instigator that started the whole chain)

    • Source Object&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Object Object Reference Source Object = None

    The object this effect was created from.

    • Source Tags&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Gameplay Tag Container Struct Source Tags

    Combination of spec and actor tags for the captured Source Tags on GameplayEffectSpec creation

    • Spec Asset Tags&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Gameplay Tag Container Struct Spec Asset Tags

    All tags that apply to the gameplay effect spec

    • Target Actor&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Actor Object Reference Target Actor = None

    The physical representation of the owner (Avatar) for the target we intend to apply to

    • Target ASC&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Ability System Component Object Reference Target ASC = None

    The ability system component we intend to apply to

    • Target Controller&
    • Read-only
    • Replicated
    Player Controller Object Reference Target Controller = None

    PlayerController associated with the owning actor for the target we intend to apply to