Blueprint Attributes

Blueprint Attributes enables a workflow 100% within the Editor and Blueprints for Attribute Sets and Gameplay Attributes.

  • Define Attributes in Blueprint
  • Interactions with Gameplay Effects
  • MMC and Exec Class in Blueprint
  • Built-in Clamping
  • Save Game support and Serialization
  • Replication and Multiplayer
  • Integration with K2 Nodes
  • (Optional) Wizard to port BP defined Attributes to C++
  • Referencer Handlers
Quicker iterations

Quickly iterate on your Attribute Sets and Gameplay Attributes, directly from Blueprints.


Quicker iterations

Quickly iterate on your Attribute Sets and Gameplay Attributes, directly from Blueprints.

Quicker iterations

Create a new Blueprint Attribute Set from Content Browser.

Quicker iterations

Add any number of Attributes with a click of a button.

Interactions with Gameplay Effects

Use them right away within your Gameplay Effects.

Interactions with Gameplay Effects

Get access to UAttributeSet API, exposed to Blueprints as events or overridable methods.

Set Base Value directly from Details Panel

Custom details customization to set Base Value from Blueprint Details.

Set Base Value directly from Details Panel

View and set Attribute details at once (with Class Defaults button selected in the toolbar)

Built-in Clamping

Clamping of Gameplay Attributes is a really common pattern. It made sense to add native support for it.

You can do so from either:

  • DataTables (AttributeMetaData)
    • Using Min and Max columns
  • Or with a custom made Gameplay Attribute FGBAGameplayClampedAttributeData
    • Tweak clamping behavior from Details Panel
  • Or manually using the exposed events on the Attribute Set itself
    • PostGameplayEffectExecute, PreAttributeChange / PreAttributeBaseChange, etc.
MMC and Execution Calculation

MMC (Modifier Magnitude Calculation) and Exec Calc (Gameplay Effect Execution Calculation) support, implementable in Blueprints.

MMC (Modifier Magnitude Calculation)
  • MMC implemented in Blueprint (or C++), working with BP defined Attributes.
  • Fill in the Relevant Attributes to Capture in Class Defaults.
  • Use the engine's built-in BP exposed methods directly from the engine class.
Exec Calc (Gameplay Effect Execution Calculation)
  • Exec calc implemented in Blueprint (or C++), working with BP defined Attributes.
  • Fill in the Relevant Attributes to Capture in Class Defaults
Exec Calc (Gameplay Effect Execution Calculation)

By default, Exec Calc are Blueprintable but are missing important BP exposed methods or helpers to actually base the entire calculation logic purely in Blueprint.

Blueprint Attributes defines a few Blueprint statics (eg. Blueprint Library globally accessible) to help in the implementation.

Exec Calc (Gameplay Effect Execution Calculation)

Those few custom methods were designed to help implementing Exec Calc classes in Blueprints, namely:

  • GetOwningSpec()
  • GetEffectContext()
  • GetSourceTags()
  • GetTargetTags()
  • AttemptCalculateCapturedAttributeMagnitude()
  • AttemptCalculateCapturedAttributeMagnitudeWithBase()
  • AddOutputModifier()

For AttemptCalculateCapured... methods to work correctly, the Attribute needs to be added to the Relevant Attributes to Capture array in Class Defaults.

Exec Calc (Gameplay Effect Execution Calculation)

For AttemptCalculateCapured... methods to work correctly, the Attribute needs to be added to the Relevant Attributes to Capture array in Class Defaults.

Save Game

While Blueprint Attributes is not a Save Game framework, and save games are highly project specific, it was important to ensure BP defined GameplayAttributes are still serializable and support for Save Game is possible.

In the details panel, click the "Advanced" category, and enable the SaveGame flag by turning on the checkbox.

// In C++:
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_Health, SaveGame)
FGameplayAttributeData Health = 0.f;
Save Game

Here's a basic flow of Save / Load to save the attributes on Ctrl+S, and load them back on Ctrl+L.

  1. Have a SaveGame object with an Array of Bytes property.
Save Game
  1. Pass down the binary data to UGBASerializationBlueprintLibrary::SerializeAbilitySystemComponent()
  2. Make sure bIsSaving is turned on Save, and turned off on Load.

A special thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to the following individuals:

  • Metaseven - for early testing and providing valuable feedback, thank you so much!
  • Kite and Drakynfly

For the support along the way while implementing this plugin (first commit in March 2022, 2 years!)

  • OneSilverLeaf
  • Mighteemouse

Thank you ❤️

<div style="font-size: 0.7em"> *Disclaimer: On engine 5.2 and lower, a slight workaround related to const correctness of methods is needed. Fixed in 5.3.* </div>

- *Natively, Exec Calc are implementable in BP but are missing important helpers to actually base the calculation in Blueprint.*

## Quicker iterations - Empower Game Designers and Blueprint Developers to quickly iterate on their Attribute design. --- ## Introduction ###### Features 1. **Quicker Iterations** - Empower Game Designers and Blueprint Developers to rapidly iterate on Attribute design. --- ## Introduction ###### Features 2. **Define Attributes in Blueprint** - Create Attribute property variables in the Blueprint Editor for immediate use in Gameplay Effects, K2 Nodes (e.g., GetFloatAttribute()), and other locations where a Gameplay Attribute picker is applicable. --- 3. **Built-in Clamping** - Support for clamping via Data Table initialization. - Handling of "Min Value" and "Max Value" columns. - Customizable clamping using a special Gameplay Clamped Attribute Data property (a child of FGameplayAttributeData) with float or Attribute-based clamping. --- 4. **Customized Blueprint Editor** - Blueprint Editor with Data Validation. - Toolbar with quick-access buttons for: - Adding Gameplay Attribute properties. - Creation of Data Tables. - Porting BP Attribute Sets to standard C++ Attribute Sets. - Details Customizations to expose Attribute BaseValue to Blueprint and set it directly from the Details panel. --- 5. **Interactions with Gameplay Effects** - Attribute Sets can override several functions to control how an Attribute responds when a Gameplay Effect attempts to modify it. - Most of this API is exposed to Blueprints (e.g., PostGameplayEffectExecute, Pre/PostAttributeChange). --- 6. **Replication** - Replication support for Gameplay Attributes defined in Blueprints, suitable for multiplayer projects. - Handling of LifetimeReplicatedProps. - Integration of rep notifies to manage predictively modified attributes by clients (equivalent to the C++ GAMEPLAYATTRIBUTE_REPNOTIFY macro). --- 7. **Integration with K2 Nodes** - K2 Nodes (Blueprint nodes) that use FGameplayAttribute parameters now display a list of Attributes defined in Blueprints in the combo box, similar to Gameplay Attribute properties in Gameplay Effects. --- 8. **Attribute Wizard for Blueprint to C++ Transition** - A wizard and Scaffold module facilitate the transition from Blueprint-defined Attributes to C++. - Generates proper C++ header and source files (with preview!) based on defined Gameplay Attributes in the BP Attribute Set. --- 9. **Referencer Handlers** - Detects Attribute renaming in the Blueprint Editor. - Offers to replace previous references to the renamed Attribute in Gameplay Effects. - Displays a list of modified properties and Blueprint nodes (K2Nodes) in the message log with clickable links for easy navigation to the referencers.