
  • Declared in "GBAScaffoldPreviewSettings.h"
config = "EditorPerProjectUserSettings")
class UGBAScaffoldPreviewSettings : public UDeveloperSettings

Settings for the Blueprint Header View Plugin



  • public
    • FontSize&

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)

    int32 FontSize = 9

    Font Size for the Blueprint Header View output

    • PluginCategoryName&
    static constexpr const TCHAR* PluginCategoryName = TEXT("Blueprint Attributes")

    The category name for our developer settings

    See also: GetCategoryName

    • SelectionColor&

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)

    FLinearColor SelectionColor = FLinearColor(0.051269f, 0.064803f, 0.099899f, 1.0f)

    Highlight color for selected items in the Blueprint Header View output

    • SortMethod&

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)

    EGBAPreviewSortMethod SortMethod = EGBAPreviewSortMethod::None

    Sorting Method for Header View Functions and Properties

    • SyntaxColors&

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)

    FGBAPreviewSyntaxColors SyntaxColors

    Syntax Highlighting colors for Blueprint Header View output